Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Story Excerpt; from me to you, with love

Chapter 8: Oops and the Caterpillar

Leila looked back the next day on her adventures of wine. She also realized she had made a complete ass of herself, as she noticed in her diary a tad of a ramble in her handwriting that she had no recollection of writing. She apparently even titled her life that evening as All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go. There was what appeared to be a random guy’s name written in her diary with hearts all over it. However, she did not recognize the name, or the writing for that matter. And, her bed was empty. Confused and with her brain feeling like it was shattered, she crawled out of bed – her very empty bed (even emptier now that she wasn’t in it).
Leila then proceeded to look out the window and saw what looked like ten thousand feet of freshly fallen slow. Now, Leila wasn’t the biggest fan of snow, in fact it was her dream to live somewhere someday where snow was completely foreign. However, she felt a huge urge to go and jump in the giant snow hill hidden behind her home. So out of her house she ran, in her birthday suit since she had just jumped out of bed, and out into the snow mound.
After Leila remembered how cold snow actually was, she came back inside and much to her surprise she found a big caterpillar on her kitchen table. Leila found this pretty odd considering it was winter and all.


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